Graeme McCree
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McDonald's Tunnel of Love

McDonald’s Tunnel of Love

To create a moment of love for McDonald’s on Valentine’s Day, we transformed a regular drive-thru into a fairground style Tunnel of Lovin’ to surprise customers. The experience was filmed and shared across the brand’s social channels.

Customers described the experience as “Romantic AF” and the #TunnelOfLovin become a trending topic on Twitter for Valentine’s Day. Our social interaction was high above the norm with Facebook 466% above the benchmark engagement and Twitter up by 200%. There was also a marked increase in sales over the activation period with a rise of 32% on Valentine’s Day.

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Agency: King James Group
Chief Creative Officer: Alistair King
Executive Creative Director: Danny Pinch
Creative Director: Graeme McCree
Art Director: Melissa Raath
Copywriter: Jp Le Riche
Designers: Francois Linde and Tshepo Harvey
Production: Sallyanne Lewendon