Graeme McCree

TymeBank Brand Identity

TymeBank Brand Identity

Approximately 21 million South Africans are unbanked or underbanked due to a lack of access to traditional financial institutions. TymeBank aims to change this by creating a digital bank with no branches that can be accessed via mobile, online, or at grocery stores nationwide even in including low-income areas. This new bank needs a visual identity to represent its modern, inclusive nature. We were tasked to create a logo and identity system built on the values of simplicity, transparency, progression and potential.

We started by identifying a symbol that represents the digital generation – a pixel. This stylised pixel's angles show dynamism, progressive thinking, and a new way of looking at things. The logo is true to a new-school bank's personality in a country full of traditional ones. Our stylised pixel became the foundation for all design elements. The pixel shape informed our design aesthetic from our icon set, the pocket shape of a folder, the corners of a print advert, and helped us create a brand identity entirely owned by TymeBank. The pixel's outlined shape was used as a building block to create a palette of bold bespoke patterns. We used our patterns as animated graphics to engage in the digital space. The new visual identity was applied to design elements, digital, social media, retail, print, outdoor and TV. An unexpected colour palette helped to differentiate us from the corporate greys and blues of the banking world.


TymeBank_GM Website 2021_001.jpg
TymeBank_GM Website 2021_002.jpg
TymeBank_GM Website 2021_004.jpg
TymeBank_GM Website 2021_005.jpg
TymeBank_GM Website 2021_006.jpg
TymeBank_GM Website 2021_007.jpg
TymeBank_GM Website 2021_008.jpg

Agency: King James Group
Chief Creative Officer: Alistair King
Executive Creative Director: Jenny Ehlers
Creative Directors: Graeme McCree and Terrance Close
Senior Designer: Michelle Baron
Designers: Tashreeq Allie and Francois Linde
VFX Artist: Daniel Zoeller
Production: Sallyanne Lewendon and Wesley Coller